Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shakey Quakies

The shakey quakies is a term I use for that feeling of being stripped to the core of everything you were holding onto that brings a sense of control, a feeling of security, a place of comfort. Wednesday I was there at Spin Class... reduced almost to tears as I struggled to push one more time, feeling the sharp pains with every turn of the wheel, hoping I wouldn't fall off the bike as we pushed a little harder, a little farther... and surrendering to the will of God, letting go of myself and holding onto Him.
The Scripture was "Be still, and know that I am God." A better translation of "be still," from the Hebrew would be to say, "Let go..." So, then she adds to this a bit more on the topic of spiritual tenacity. Tenacity is more than just hanging on, it's actually letting go and trusting that the thing you are letting go will be accomplished by God. So, it's waiting, in full hope, for God to do the thing that I cannot do...
and so I wait...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Krista's House

(The first 5 McHenry's... I need a pic of the whole brood!)

First of all, even when I write, "Krista's House," I feel a warming in my heart. I am always welcomed there (usually several times by several people) and there are always hugs and visual delights.

My young friend, Krista, is an amazing woman. She and her husband, Brent have six children, 7 years old to nine months, with two sets of identical twins: the oldest two and youngest two! And... her house is always more than reasonably clean, her children are delightful and well-behaved, and she and Brent mange to do ever so much more than most folks without children, while sharing the responsibilities for home-schooling and raising their brood.

Brent has a full-time, home-based job as a biostatistician for a pharmaceutical company, and owns Vintage Porch Swings,, a mostly one-man, swing-making operation. He is a man of incredible energy and generosity, leading a Bible Study in his man cave/office, sharing his skills with friends (like me) who need a glue and clamp fix, or more. He's the senior warden of our church and a faithful friend. Oh, and an incredible athlete, who races and rides, etc. for charity. In his "spare time" he does things like refinish and add spaces to their home, design and build Bimini shutters for the house, and bring to life many of the ideas that Krista comes up with!

Krista, who was a occupational therapist before she began investing her days in the next generation of world leaders, has an amazing eye and passion for design. She has come to recognize what her own style is, has managed to facilitate her style within a modest budget, and has taught herself to sew in order to save money.

As our friendship has developed, she has shared with me her successes and frustrations with her ever- evolving home. This series of articles will be about the changes and processes Krista and I go through as we improve on an already good thing.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Brent and Krista, along with Avari, Brynn, Hayden, Joshua, Emerson, and Eliza have all moved out to a great new place. A different place. And Krista, who has previously hurried through the process of self-decorating (mainly because of time and money), has opted to take her time on this, her dream house!
Congratulations, Krista and Brent!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Funny God

I reported for jury duty this morning, the first day "up and running" after the holidays for me... a perk of self-employment. The parking lot is blocks away from the courthouse in downtown Charleston, and I was cutting it close, so I hoofed it quickly down the four flights of steps and over. As I was trotting down Meeting Street, I was explaining to Lord that surely this would be sufficient for today to fulfill my commitment with Him to walk, ride, exercise more. When I went through the security point, I was told that my camera would be permanently consficated unless I wanted to quickly return it to my car. So, I trotted back and forth, up and down again... Hey, God, is THAT enough trotting for today?! Actually I'm glad You set me up. You really are aquainted with all my ways...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

IOP bridge inspiration

I cross the bridge pretty often and at different times of the day. The Other day as I was crossing, I was taken by the colors and suddenly carried away in my daydream to a house with those hazy, marshy morning colors and scritchy, breezy textures of the grass...Wonder for whom and when they'll pop up in design-life? It will be a nature-lover's house, I know...
Growing up on the marsh on James Island, I always feel at home when I see those colors. Now if the "scent people" would come up with a pluff mud candle...

Post Script:
Check out my house on FB... it's the one with marsh colors! But, I have several colors and ideas left! Need some?

Monday, October 20, 2008


I've been thinking about blogging for some time. It's like a semi-public journaling thing for me. A chance to talk about what's dancing around in the back and front of my head these days. Maybe it'll give some folks a chance to get to know me a little better. Not that I'm hard to know, but at least they'll be able to skim over what they're not interested in, instead of having to stand there, looking polite!
I'll be loading design ideas and pictures as well. This seems like a good way to save them and share them. I'm an interior designer, mainly residential.
I am a mother of four- 2 fairly recently (almost 4 years) and 2 all their "born days." They are:
Nate (29), Colin (24), Bethany (20), and Grace (18).
I am married to a great man... a kind, thoughtful bear of a man with a heart to love. He's been a picture to me of God's heart for me... Thank you, God!!!
