Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shakey Quakies

The shakey quakies is a term I use for that feeling of being stripped to the core of everything you were holding onto that brings a sense of control, a feeling of security, a place of comfort. Wednesday I was there at Spin Class... reduced almost to tears as I struggled to push one more time, feeling the sharp pains with every turn of the wheel, hoping I wouldn't fall off the bike as we pushed a little harder, a little farther... and surrendering to the will of God, letting go of myself and holding onto Him.
The Scripture was "Be still, and know that I am God." A better translation of "be still," from the Hebrew would be to say, "Let go..." So, then she adds to this a bit more on the topic of spiritual tenacity. Tenacity is more than just hanging on, it's actually letting go and trusting that the thing you are letting go will be accomplished by God. So, it's waiting, in full hope, for God to do the thing that I cannot do...
and so I wait...

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