Monday, October 20, 2008


I've been thinking about blogging for some time. It's like a semi-public journaling thing for me. A chance to talk about what's dancing around in the back and front of my head these days. Maybe it'll give some folks a chance to get to know me a little better. Not that I'm hard to know, but at least they'll be able to skim over what they're not interested in, instead of having to stand there, looking polite!
I'll be loading design ideas and pictures as well. This seems like a good way to save them and share them. I'm an interior designer, mainly residential.
I am a mother of four- 2 fairly recently (almost 4 years) and 2 all their "born days." They are:
Nate (29), Colin (24), Bethany (20), and Grace (18).
I am married to a great man... a kind, thoughtful bear of a man with a heart to love. He's been a picture to me of God's heart for me... Thank you, God!!!


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